Design Challenge: Redesign a personal mobility device for users aged 13-25 applying Honda’s visual brand language.
Design Constraints: Must apply Honda’s VBL, designed for public use.
Final Deliverables: A final presentation board that features the final design in context and the process.
Software: Fusion 360, Procreate, Photoshop, Keyshot
Time frame: 3 weeks, Completed February 2023

I enjoyed this project because I have a personal connection to it. I have done wheelchair fencing a couple of times. During the design process I focused on ways to make the chair more dynamic because wheelchairs aren’t designed to rock back and forth. I took a lot of inspiration of football dummies used in football practice because of how they easily rock but don't hit the ground all the way. In the future, I want to consider ways to make the chair more accessible for the user from moving in and out of his or her own wheelchair.